Restorative Yin Yoga with Ear Acupuncture
Acu-Yin - Restorative Yin Yoga with Ear Acupuncture Acupuncture is an ancient medicine that has been around for thousands of years. It has been found to be effective in treating pain, stress, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, and much more. Yin Yoga is different from the type of yoga we see practiced most in the modern world. Instead of engaging our muscles, we aim to relax them. By relaxing the muscles, we are able to penetrate the connective tissues, such as tendons, ligaments, and fascia. Because we are not engaging muscles in a yin yoga class. Restorative Yin Yoga adds props to the practice, such as bolsters, blankets, and blocks, as a means to support the longer, more restful poses. In Acu-Yin, students will receive a restful yin yoga practice alongside a soothing, meditative soundtrack much like in her weekly public class, with the addition of ear acupuncture to create an even deeper state of calm and to provide energetic support. Ashley will place 5 needles in each ear, using the NADA protocol - these specific points are used in the treatment of addictions and mental health afflictions, as well as to reduce stress and promote a relaxed and calm body and mind. Needles will be placed at the beginning of the practice, while resting in the first supported yin posture, and retained throughout the remainder of class. Postures will be held for 5 to 10 minutes each, supported with props. Needles will be removed towards the end of Savasana. *please wear long hair tied up so that it will not touch the ears BIO: Ashley Gee, L.Ac. is a licensed acupuncturist and experienced registered yoga teacher in Arizona. She has given thousands of treatments, due to her work in Community Acupuncture, since graduating with a Masters Degree in Acupuncture from the Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in 2019. In the past, she spent a combined 6 years working for an addiction recovery and behavioral health treatment center, where she received extensive training in helping and understanding people with mental health afflictions and addictions. During this time, she received her Yoga Teacher Certification from Yoga Oasis, and has been teaching since 2014. Ashley’s variety of combined experiences gives her the ability to pull insight and wisdom from many different areas of expertise, providing a more holistic experience for all of her clients and students. Acu Waiver: I understand that there are certain risks from receiving acupuncture, such as slight bleeding from the acupuncture points after needles are removed. Some people may experience temporary discomfort on needle insertion. Some people may experience “needle shock”, a psychosomatic response to fear of needles, which may cause rapid heart rate, profuse sweating, light headedness, and fainting. These risks are non-life threatening, but may cause discomfort and uneasiness. Understanding these risks, I give Ashley Gee, L.Ac. Permission to treat me with NADA acupuncture protocol in the Acu-Yin practice. |