Yin & Fascia Release
A 2-Part Series
About: Fascia is a sheath of densely woven connective tissue which encases and connects every muscle, bone, nerve, artery, vein as well as the internal organs. Due to immobility, repetitive movement, poor posture, injuries, surgery, inflammation, etc., muscles and/or nerves become tethered together by bound- up fascia, becoming tight, restricted and a source of tension to the rest of the body. Two ways to re-hydrate or release the fascia most effectively are hands-on manual therapy (mas- sage) or stretch-and-hold techniques like yoga. In this work- shop, we will explore and combine self-massage techniques and Yin yoga to do just that. Go home with a pocket full of self-massage tricks and your very own self-massage tool! About Jenn:
Jenn Bemis has over 900 hours of training in several different schools of yoga including Vinyasa, Hatha, Anusara, and yoga therapeutics (500RYT), and has been teaching since 2009. Jenn’s classes are infused with precise and detailed alignment cues, while keeping the fluid Vinyasa form of breath and movement within creative, mindful, and intentional sequences. |